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Cabbages and Carrots: Good clean fun.
March 24, 2021 I miss my friends from Ocean Springs. I loved the checking in with them once a week, reading my little essay, having a...
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Old Sweaters: Gray skies and the warmth of old friends.
March 20, 2021 Today is the vernal equinox, the sun crossed the equator at 2:37 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time. The sun suspended over our...
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Quirks and Quiddities: Farewell to Ocean Springs.
February 25, 2021 As I leave my camp in Gautier, Mississippi, there’s a sign along the road: “Your passion is waiting for your courage to...
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Technical difficulties: Mental Health Challenges.
February 17, 2021 It was 23 degrees when I woke this morning at Shepherd State Park and no electricity. The space heater must have...
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Bookends: A jar of daffodils and the pursuit of happiness.
February 2, 2021 Shepherd State Park, Mississippi Across the bayou now, egrets rise from the water sparkling through the green screen of...
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King Cake Baby: Oh, my!
January 20, 2021 I’ve been feeling a bit cooped up here at Shepherd State Park. We had a couple long days of dreary cold rain and I...
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Pascagoula: Soap, propane and s’mores.
January 9, 2021 In Gautier, Mississippi there’s a car repair place called Advanced Collision. What happened this past week at the...
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Woolgathering: Under the sweetgum trees a smoky fire.
January 7, 2021 The sun has just slipped below the bayou brush. Beneath the oak, the sweetgum, hickory and magnolia trees, I have a very...
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Jupiter and Saturn align across the bayou sky.
December 23, 2020 Now, here I am a few days before Christmas, at a woodsy state park along the coast in Mississippi, on the edge of a...
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Unexpected Visitors: Who’s in my bed?
December, 20, 2020 I don’t know which is worse, breaking off part of my nose or splitting my reading glasses in two. For the third night...
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Short Story Long: We don’t need no stinkin’ punctuation.
December 17, 2020 Davis Bayou Campground The thing about this kind of travel is what puts the move in you to get started? And once you...
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A Side of Dry Tortugas: Sounds like a good complement to alligator meat.
December 8, 2020, Davis Bayou campground, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi I left my daughter’s in Annapolis a week ago and...
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Bright Friends: Celebration of travel and nature adventures.
November 6, 2020 Somehow I crossed the Rockies after the snow; which was whiter? my knuckles on the steering wheel or the mountains?...
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All Will Be Well: White out in Parachute, Colorado.
November 2020 How many times have I crossed the country? It’s difficult to count for sometimes I went part way, turned back, flew a leg,...
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On the Highway
Time to move on and make tracks across the colorful country to stay ahead of the weather. October, 2020 Here I am in camp again, I like...
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Give Way Ye Gates: A visitor comes to camp with steamy and unexpected poem.
June 2020 The phone rings and I fumble through several pockets before I find it. Hello. Have you ever noticed that some visits pick right...
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Camp Concrete: Spring unfolds as we ponder this most unusual season.
May 26, 2020, campground near Concrete, Washington We begin with all sorts of enthusiasm to start a new adventure, whether it be travel...
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Go Forth
Go Forth Observe and Listen To Nature's Teaching In the Open Woods Visualize the journey All who wander are not lost It's not the...
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A Season In America
May 12, 2021 This is but one narrative; each of us got through the past year in a different way. I chose to hide out and write. I...
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May 18, 2021 I saw a sign on someone’s car today in the Walmart parking lot: Restless and Refurbished. There’s a title, to mull over. ...
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